Money Matters

How much should I expect to spend during my trip to Nepal?

It varies. You can always choose to make your trip expensive by staying at fancy luxury hotels and dining in their restaurants. But then you may as well be in New York. But if you are looking for a unique Nepali experience, you can do it for a lot less money.

How should I bring money to Nepal to pay for my travel expenses?

Traveler's checks is the best and safest option. US dollars are the most widely accepted form of money, but banks also accept other major international currencies.

Where and how do I exchange my money into Nepalese rupee?

All major banks in Nepal exchange convertible hard currencies into Nepalese rupees. There is an exchange counter in the Kathmandu airport for you to start off. The US dollar is the most widely accepted currency. Don't exchange more money than is necessary for usage in the next couple of days because exchanging Nepalese rupees back to hard currency is not easy: it can be done only at the airport before you leave, and only a certain fraction of what you originally exchanged into Nepalese rupees can be re-converted. Exchanging your US dollar bills in the black market may fetch a slightly higher rate than what banks would offer you, but the premium has diminished significantly over the past couple of years after the Nepalese government liberalized its foreign currency regulations.

It is important to retain your exchange receipts in order to apply for visa extension and re-conversion of left-over Nepalese rupees when you leave Nepal.

What is the exchange rate between the Nepalese Rupee and other international currencies?

The Nepalese rupee tends to devalue steadily every couple months against other hard currencies

Can I use my credit card?

Many tourist related businesses have started accepting payments in credit cards. It is, however, a fairly recent phenomenon, and cards other than Visa and Mastercard may not be accepted in most places. Remember that usage of credit cards in Nepal can cost you an extra three to five percent in transaction costs.

Are there ATM machines where I can draw funds from my home country bank using my ATM card?

No. So you are better off bringing all your funds in traveler's checks.

If I get strapped with money, how do I get access to more funds?

You can draw funds against your American Express, Mastercard or Visa cards in Kathmandu. The service premiums for doing this, however, is pretty steep. You can also have money wired directly to Kathmandu through any major bank within two to three working days.
